About us

        Before discovering our blog, or after having read some of our posts, maybe the desire came to you to know us a little, to know who is behind the brilliant idea (modesty is not our strong suit, please excuse us) to unleash the human imagination. If on the contrary, you prefer to invent our faces and personalities, to forge with your hands our characters, you are free to preserve the mystery and to transform us in turn into characters of stories. If you are one of those who are bored with reality, do not stop at this section. Pass quickly and go back to feed on our stories, which tell more about us than a banal presentation. For those who, on the other hand, hate secrets and love to know and control everything, for those who want to have before their eyes a clear image of the author they read to mix the essence of the story with the writer’s autobiographical anecdotes, it’s time to introduce ourselves.

    We are a happy quartet of budding writers, curious and thirsty for ideas. Students, some in Letters, others in Philosophy, we have in common the passion for words when they give birth to beauty, forge ideas, build poetry.  So four ingenious minds to reflect a means of self-expression, of collective creativity. Our people are formed by the spirit of our musician Fred, the spirit of our analyst Mitia, the spirit of nature Sasha and Naïad the dubious spirit who needs to feed her explosive curiosity. 

    We have devoured our entire existence novels, treatises, essays, collections of poetry or short stories, and if, finding ourselves in an arid place where literature was not welcome, we found neither Proust, nor Baudelaire, nor Jane Austen, nor anything resembling poetry, we were looking in a cookbook or an appliance manual for some pretty phrase to satisfy our enormous hunger. But one day it wasn’t enough. We began to understand the mechanisms of writing. So, the essence of our four minds joined to make you discover our stories that go beyond traditional writing, beyond the boundaries of literary conventions for a common hymn to the freedom of writing. Four minds to create a literary symbiosis.

    So why not take in our turn the pen that seemed sacred and untouchable to us? A devouring desire burned us from within. We decided to write.

    Fred, Mitia, Sasha and Naïad


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