Sunday, April 3, 2022

Mrs A.E. Pozeïsky.

I was there letting the fresh air envelop me, stroking my gorgeous crochet, lace-up death gown, letting it nibble what was left of my cheeks in that icy subway corridor where I could feel absolutely all the human vibes and those of others. This hallway had been mine for centuries. I had seen a lot of people pass by, between those who crossed me and those to whom I played some of my tricks to fill the boredom. That day, I had been challenged by three beings, but something that I still cannot explain to this day had drawn me towards her… A young girl for whom I felt an unexplained closeness… a connection… energy that was familiar to me. What was happening to me? There she was, her face trying to disappear into the collar of that grotesque outfit that I could not name you, layers of odd clothes that showed nothing, her hands sunk into the sides, her blank gaze gripping the floor. While watching her, a voice kept repeating to me. "you know her ... come closer to her ..." Suddenly I found myself dancing around her, I twirled like a merry-go-round without brakes, an uncontrolled excitement, I started buzzing around her... to look at her in the green of her eyes ... eyes that I somehow knew… How come this could happen? As I could cross all the elements and all the materials I allowed myself to read inside her thin engraved medallion:

A.E. Pozeïsky * 15 * 12 * 1872
"In our hearts forever you stay
To my mother 
To you that I love so much. 
Here lies an angel I will never forget you
Love never dies. The earth hides you but my heart still sees you " 
To my amazement, I wondered ... why this young child had a part of me ...
Who was she? I was inconsolable, whispering to her: "who are you, beautiful child?" 



  1. Great article, beautiful sentiments and creative description.

  2. Hi,
    Thank you for taking time to read this production. I love playing with both worlds, the visible and the unknown. An exercice which gives to anyone the opportunity to try to imagine if this had happened to you ...

  3. Hi,
    Thank you for taking time to read this story and comment. I love to combine both worlds ; the visible and the unknown. Pushing everyone to think deeply and bring up the question if that had happened to me how would I feel or react.


  4. Hello ! not bad ! The descriptions draw us into another word, full of mystery and costumes ! And you know what ? I actually made me want to dance around somebody ! well, I'm in the train now, so quite impossible, but who knows when the time will come ! Keep on writting anyway ! Camille

  5. Dear Naïad, thanks for your little text, keep on writing whatever comes to your mind. Writing and letting things out are a key to living a life with less fears and more joy ! Cheers.
